DMT Environmental Technology

Specialist in biogas upgrading

The biogas upgrading specialist in Europe

DMT has developed a vast amount of biogas treatment and resource recovery technologies for every industry. For the key biogas contaminants, we can offer one or a combination of technologies to economically manage them.

We provide the customer with the best suitable solution for your specific project, either based on CAPEX, OPEX or TCO.

DMT offers a suite of cost-effective solutions developed to your market and achieved through our team of engineers and highly motivated employees to help you achieve your goals.

  • High performance level
  • Specialist in every step of the way
  • Experienced solutions provider
About the products Market solutions

Upgrading biogas in Italy

We operate internationally and have offices all over the world. We are a mission-driven and fast-growing company that is passionate about the technologies we supply. We are very passionate about the technologies we develop that enable our customers to make a change that contributes to a cleaner future. We encourage ambition, creativity and development on an individual and team level.

Why choose for DTM Environmental Technology

DMT Environmental Technology offers turn key technologies to fit your upgrading project. We are pushing ourselves to the next level and make your project successful.


“It’s quite easy to operate the DMT Biogas upgrading system, Carborex®MS; it’s plug and play and runs by itself!”

Jan Reistad Jevnaker, Norway

“The waste of our lettuce production, is processed to provide 1500 households with renewable energy”.

Willem Bas Warmenhuizen, the Netherlands

“We’ve got all our energy needs from Renewable Energy and produce. The methane slib was the key issue and the whole reason we choose DMT”

Jason Fewell Wyke Farms, United Kingdom

Mark Jobse, Product manager DMT Environmental Technology Italy

Mark Jobse, Product manager DMT Environmental Technology Italy

Because of his technical background and his commercial experience, Mark will find the best technical solution to fit your business case. He’s energetic, confident, passionate about renewable energies and driven. A true biogas upgrading specialist!

About us Contact us

About DMT

We contribute to a ‘Clear and Prosperous Future’. We strongly believe it is our social obligation; to deliver technological solutions that are affordable and make a difference. Revolutionary breakthroughs are only to be expected from private initiatives and entrepreneurs, in short: business development. We create the opportunity for our customers to gain a unique position by providing the most efficient technology that benefits their business model with the highest return on investment.