DMT Environmental Technology

The European specialist in biogas upgrading

Biogas upgrading in Sweden

When it comes to biogas upgrading and recovering resources from biomass streams, there is no doubt that DMT should be your choice. For the key biogas contaminants in biogas and resource recovery, DMT can offer one or a combination of technologies to economically manage them.

  • Highest performance level
  • Specialist in every step of the way
  • Experienced solutions provider
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Upgrading biogas Sweden

DMT_biogas upgrading Sweden
First dmt biogas upgrading system in Sweden

With over 30 years of experience, DMT is driven by biogas. Creating value from is waste and using it as green gas, renewable energy, is what motivates us. Sweden was one of the first countries in Europe to upgrade biogas and has been a popular source of energy ever since. Sweden has adopted biomethane as a renewable energy source and injects it into the national grid and uses it as CNG, a clean alternative for fossil fuels.

Over the past decade, the production of biogas has rapidly increased. And biogas upgrading using high selective membranes has become DMT’s most important technology.

Biomethane is an important fuel in the energy transition and paves the way to a greener tomorrow, creating a sustainable future. DMT has the perfect solution for every biogas upgrading project in Sweden. Choose DMT, a total solutions provider guiding you through the project, every step of the way.

On agricultural biogas plants, manure represents more than three-quarters of the feedstock used for biogas and the production of biomethane. DMT has extensive experience when it comes to biogas upgrading from agricultural waste streams and has worked on some of the most innovative projects that lower CAPEX and increase ROI.

Our challenge, is to create the clear and prosperous future

Over the years DMT has developed numerous technologies to handle all kind of environmental issues. Over the past 10 year, biogas upgrading has become DMT’s most important technology. DMT can offer several technologies each to best suit your business case.


“It’s quite easy to operate the DMT Biogas upgrading system, Carborex®MS; it’s plug and play and runs by itself!”

Jan Reistad Jevnaker, Norway

“The waste of our lettuce production, is processed to provide 1500 households with renewable energy”.

Willem Bas Warmenhuizen, the Netherlands

“We’ve got all our energy needs from Renewable Energy and produce. The methane slib was the key issue and the whole reason we choose DMT”

Jason Fewell Wyke Farms, United Kingdom

Jan Kruit - Area Sales Manager

Jan Kruit – Area Sales Manager

Jan has been with DMT for over 10 years. Our biogas upgrading specialist is very experienced and knowledgeable. Jan is resourceful and has a thorough knowledge of possibilities, helping our customers make the most of their biogas upgrading projects and maximize their revenue. He works with our partners and agents to create successful and strong partnerships.

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Our Challenge

DMT Was found in 1987 with the purpose to be part of the huge environmental clean-up.The demand for groundwater purification began to grow and so did DMT. Over the years DMT has developed numerous technologies to handle all kind of environmental issues.nnToday DMT has offices in Europe, Asia, Canada and the United States of America to achieve our challenge;nto create the clear and prosperous future.